While in the studio between sessions the phone suddenly rang. TIM answered and had a very comical conversation with a woman attempting to sell him some high quality beef. It was like a reverse phone call as she called us. *All names and name brands have been removed and it was indeed during the World Series* Enjoy this funny phone call.
Happy Thanksgiving!! TIM&TOM discuss their favorite and least favorite parts of Turkey Day and talk about the all- important Thanksgiving meal. They know that the biggest things to be thankful for are family & friends, like Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston, and they want to spread that message of cheer with their listeners this season.
Enjoy the holiday with this new episode! Cheeeaa!!!
TIM&TOM come back with a HILARIOUS new episode. The duo speak about the dangers of being caught on youtube, as well as share their true feelings on the Balloon Boy and his family. Check out the funny!!!
1st Segment - TIM&TOM talk about how winter is upon them and it's tough to dress sharp when going out to parties, bars, and clubs in the cold weather. TIM then talks about the days where girls wore charm necklaces with their names on them and how convenient it was for the guys.
2nd Segment - T&T share some stories from a party they recently attended and go on to break down all the different types of people one will commonly encounter. Hilarious shizzle!!!!
In this Overtime session TOM shares his celebrity crush on Carmen Sandiego and then the duo talk about karma, cheating, and the 'falling grape lady'. Then they talk about some classic incidents and cast members from MTV's the Real World and the reality show hustle. TIM also talks about how he wants to be Diddy's assistant.
Cuckooo!! Another Overtime Session special from TIM&TOM!! T&T are under the influence and outta control in this uncensored, uncut episode!
OT Session - TOM rips on "fat guys" in every group of friends. Then they discuss going go the gym in college VS post-college. TOM also shares his theory on metabolism and people "getting older" and their bodies "slowing down". TIM then chimes in with another of his strange dreams - and in this one he was dead!! This leads the conversation into the worst/best ways to die.
We're baaaaack. Brand new episode all about Flirting!!! WELCOME THE 5 C's
1st Segment - They talk about flirting and different tactics. The duo speak about pick-up lines and their effectiveness. They debunk some flirt rumors and break down the do's and don'ts. They introduce "The 5 C's" don't miss it!!
2ndSegement - Flirting leads to hook-ups which evolve into relationships and dating. TIM&TOM talk about the dating world and share their own experiences.
the TIM&TOM show bring you a special episode all about the MTV Video Music Awards.
1st Segment - The Duo share their thoughts on the VMAs and discuss the highlights and negative moments of this years show.
2nd Segment - TIM&TOM reflect on the VMAs and how they've changed over the years. They talk about some of the best moments and guests in the past and realize how out of touch and uncool the present generation of MTVers are.
the TIM&TOM show celebrates back to school with a special episode!!
1st Segment - T&T give a 'Freshman Guide' for all those newbies heading off to college. This segment is full of great tips to aid Froshies in starting their 4 years at college and advices them on what pitfalls to avoid.
2nd Segment - TIM&TOM offer advice for recent college grads missing out on the good ol' college days. They share some tips and tricks to help deal with school withdrawal and explain how things aren't so bad post-college.
That's right - by popular demand we've placed ALL our original episodes on iTUNES as well. Download the entire TIM&TOM show catalog on iTunes now for Free. Get em all here: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=327388182
Brand new episode is up with the return of Captain HeartBeat!! Check out Episode 16!!
1st Segment - TIM shares a brand new theory he has about marriage and he and TOM discuss the pros and cons of this theory. Give a listen and let us know if you agree!!
2nd Segment - Captain HeartBeat RETURNS!! He gives his own opinions of TIM's ideas on marriage and then answers some fan mail. Another great appearance from the Captain. Enjoy!!!
1st Segment - TIM&TOM talk about church and how it can be tough for a kid. Next they share stories about misbehaving in church. The discussion then moves to their thoughts on the recent trend of children on leashes and bad parenting in general.
2nd Segment - TIM&TOM are joined by a new special guest FEISTY G!!! Feisty makes her debut and openly shares her opinions on bad child rearing as well as the children on leashes craze. She then talks about why she is currently hating Facebook on the trend of bands reuniting for limited "final" shows. Feisty even takes a few shots at former guest, Axe aka Shady, an on-air rivalry in the making! Check out this episode and enjoy the debut of FIESTY G!!
the TIM & TOM show is now on Episode 14!!! Rock wit it, lean wit it.
Segment 1 - TIM & TOM discuss how DJ's are no longer necessary and the sadly Disc Jockeying is a lost art. Then they touch on the new season of Daddy's Girls before talking about the hit show Whale Wars. GO GREEN!
Segment 2 - T&T talk about how TIM fell into a facebook status update conversation. Next they talk about how it's hard to eat 3 meals a day. Then they discuss difficulties with buzzing into apartment buildings and the benefits of posing as a pizza man. Have a slice of TIM&TOM!!
the TIM & TOM show BONUS EPISODE for iTunes ONLY !!
the TIM & TOM show has released it's first 'Overtime episode' available exclusively on iTunes. TIM&TOM have free reign and talk about all kinds of crazy topics UNCUT and UNEDITED in this exclusive OVERTIME SESSION episode. Go to iTunes now to download it free and have a few laughs.
1st Segment - TIM&TOM discuss some crazy things they've overheard and discuss the stupidity certain people display when they open their mouths. They share some of their favorite quotes they've heard. They then move on to discussing alcohol at family functions and not getting too drunk in front of the fam. They share some stories of people getting way too drunk at their own parties. Next they talk about "beer tears" and what a buzz-kill they are. TOM shares some of his destructive tendencies when he would get crunked up and the duo close out the segment discussing champagne and wine.
2nd Segment - TIM talks about a visit to Giants Stadium and some problems he had with the arena. He wasn't able to bring his back in with him and he predicts this will become a major issue as more people come to games via public transportation. T&T then talk about the pros and cons of watching a sporting event live as compared to on television. The show then has it's FIRST EVER CALLER - Mr. Conner - who chimes in with his preference of watching football at home instead of in person. The show closes out with TIM&TOM talking about how great gym class was and they share some great stories and their favorite games from 3rd period.
Another great Episode coming at ya! This one is all about 'Potty Humor'.
1st Segment - The show starts out with a bang as TIM tells everyone about the brand new job he's created. He suggested having a condiment person sitting next to the napkins and condiments a every fast-food place. This leads to a discussion about the purpose and ways to deal with bathroom attendants. TOM then talks about the time he accidentally urinated on a guy's shoes at a bar. This part concludes with TIM&TOM bringing it all back to TIM's original idea and the 2 talk about how they should create a new reality competition show, "The Next Condiment Attendant'.
2nd Segment - Part 2 starts out with a conversation everyone can relate too. TOM tells the tale about how he recently blurted out a joke in an elevator - to NO response. T&T talk about the unwritten law of NOT speaking in elevators, or at least acknowledging other people. Next the duo talk about the types of people that are always in elevators or the typical annoying elevator rides. The talk moves to pregnant ladies giving birth in elevators and people getting stuck in elevators.
1st Segment - Part one of this 2 parter starts out with a bang! SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! Tom gives away major moments in the new film 'The Time Traveler's Wife' This causes the duo to delve into the intricacies of time travel and they discuss if it is possible. They share their feelings on similar topics such as aliens and as always do so in their unique comical style.
2nd Segment - TOM shares his hatred for he Mindfreak Criss Angel and explains why he hates his latest TV special. TIM and TOM then share their views on magic and street magicians. The conversation soon turns to clowns and the the real laughs begin. Enjoy another classic episode now!
TIM&TOM have reached a plateau as they hit the double-digit mark with Episode 10!!
1st Segment - First, TIM&TOM unveil their tactic of harassing and barraging Rob Dyrdek with tweets until he submits and agrees to do a pone interview on the show. The rest of this episode is centered around shopping. First, TIM&TOM discuss the intricacies of grocery shopping and share some tales of grocery store mishap. They also talk about all the problems you run into when shopping at the grocery store.
2nd Segment - The theme of shopping continues with the duo discussing gift shopping. They talk about how hard it can be to pick out the right presents for certain people. They also speak about how it's hard to shop for parents and discuss proper use of a gift-card and shopping for a guy vs. a girl.
3rd Segment - More shopping discussion with Tim&Tom. Here they share some tips and questions from the fans regarding shopping. Thanks to all the fans who shared there questions and thoughts with the show! They also talk about infomercials and shopping networks on television.
1st Segment - Job Week rolls on with nothing relating to jobs. Instead TIM&TOM talk about traveling, specifically air travel. They talk about what they hate about traveling by plane and share some of their own comical experiences. They also talk about all the perks about being a steward/stewardess. Which as it turns out, is a job!
2nd Segment - TIM&TOM are awaiting their iTunes approval for the show and TIM shares his idea about offices having a nurse, similar to a school nurse. They talk about how much a nurse in the office would be beneficial. They also discuss some of the crazy nurses they had in school. After telling the listeners about their own run-ins with school nurses TOM talks about a tragic incident with little known Barbie cereal.
1st Segment - TIM&TOM shout out some of the fans who have written on their Facebook wall. Big Twanie also makes the first topic request and asks T&T to discuss Michael Jackson. TIM&TOM don't disappoint and share their thoughts on the late King of Pop in another funny ass segment.
2nd Segment - TIM&TOM remind the fans that it is Job Week on the show. The duo talk about people who write EXACTLY like how they talk. That leads them to talk about the good old days of grammar school and learning script, writing papers, using encyclopedias, works cited pages, etc. They close out the segment talking about how parents should be able to hit their kids, of course.
3rd Segment - TIM&TOM bring on a special guest for a Job Week Interview. Their guest was supposed to be the CEO/OWNER of the Five Guys Burgers and Fries chain, but instead they get Craig Smith a low-level fast food employee. The duo roll with it and interview Craig who shares his deep insight, tips, and experiences about the current job market and how to get a job and stay employed.
We have received numerous requests about making our podcasts downloadable and making them available on iTunes. The technology team at the TIM&TOM show are hard at work re-tooling the site to make these features possible. Please bear with us as we reconfigure the site and do our best to make the show as accessible as possible. We apologize for any technical difficulties the site experiences in the next week or so.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support of TIM&TOM.
the TIM&TOM show returns with another great episode for your listening pleasure.
1st Segment - TOM addresses his alcohol issues and TIM rags on him for his love of Miller Light. TIM then shares some tales of misadventures with TOM behind the wheel. TIM then brings up the near-collision incident when TOM was recklessly speeding around on a scooter. They then talk about bad drivers and TIM shares a funny store about a man and his love affair with his GPS.
2nd Segment - Tom drops another HOT topic and this time NPH, Neil Patrick Harris, is the HOTNESS. Tom plugs the hit show 'How I Met Your Mother' and the musical short 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog,' They then talk about the new G.I. Joe movie and the lack of originality in Hollywood. They talk about how even Saturday Morning cartoons are weak now. They then suggest that children need more violence in their shows. This segment ends with a classic rant with TIM&TOM sharing their feelings about Emo kids and their thoughts to end the Emo craze.
3rd Segment - A new guest debuts on the podcast sharing some of his personal stories. The Axeman aka Shady, drops by and tells the guys about a recent relaxing bath he took. The Axeman goes on to share the twisted tale of when he came home drunk at 4am with the craving to get a massage. He then shares his fear of night swimming due to the worry of a shark attack. Axeman also shares his incredible ability to quickly tell you what marine animal a person resembles.
The TIM&TOM show rolls on with it's sixth episode!
1st Segment - TIM&TOM officially let the fans know Captain HeartBeat is NOT Dr. HeartBeat - our bad. TOM talks about a hot new track 'Run This Town' by Jay Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West. They touch on Chris Brown and Kim Kardashian and discuss the classic alcohol induced blackout. TIM admits he has no celebrity crushes due to a heart break compliments of Britney Spears. Then they talk about the new dis track by Eminem aimed at Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon.
2nd Segment - TIM&TOM are at it again thanking the fans for the Facebook love. Then they talk about the pros and cons of strippers and their feelings towards them and strip clubs. Next they talk about panhandlers and the perks of being a homeless person.
3rd segment - The duo discusses the popularity of the show and how they can continue to grow and improve. Then they talk about how they wish to one day reach the pinnacle of fame by receiving death threats and mass amounts of hate mail. They try and scheme up some ways to get C list celebrities on the show as guests and realize they don't know anybody. The show drops into a downward spiral from there with more ramblings and nonsense until they finally pull the plug on themselves.
1st Segment - The show kicks off with TIM clarifying the whereabouts of former Immature singer, Batman. TOM then talks about some of his favorite alcoholic beverages. TIM breaks down the secret to finding out the day of the week for any future date - Check out the formula posted below in the links section. Then they talk about math, its practical uses, and TIM shares his distain towards tip calculators. Next they talk about legendary rap star, Coolio and his upcoming projects
**Winnie Cooper, real name Danica McKellar, has authored 2 math related books entitled: 'Math Doesn't Suck: How to Survive Middle-School Math without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail' and 'Kiss My Math: Showing Pre-Algebra Who's Boss'**
2nd Segment - T&T talk about 'The Golden age of Videgoames" and discuss some of their favorite games. Then the conversation moves to how kids nowadays are overweight, lazy, and spoiled by technology. A great reminiscing session right here! They end it talking about summer as a kid and middle school.
3rd Segment - Very special guest, love/relationship guru "Captain Heartbeat" Dan Hudson, drops by the studio to answer some fan mail and distribute his highly-sought after love advice. A real treat for all the listeners out there!!
TIM & TOM tackle more issues in this 4th edition of their podcast. Thanks to all the fans out there keeping the show alive and giving TIM & TOM so much support! Keep the feedback coming!
1st segment - TIM&TOM thank all the fans and TOM talks about his celebrity crush, Kim Kardashian. They talk about good dreams vs. bad dreams, crazy dreams they've had, and somehow end up talking about pirates. One of their best rants yet!
2nd segment - The duo come back and talk about human advertising and human billboards. They continue to speak more about advertising and then they talk about plastic surgery, fake tanning, how the new generations are all spoiled, rich, and self-absorbed.
3rd segment - Here TIM&TOM kick it off with some more hilarity as TOM compares them to the best thing since the "RUSH HOUR RENEGADES" TIM then breaks out in some classic impressions. The guys then talk about the difference in shopping between men and women and the differences in clothing options for men and women. They also break down how women have so many better options in dress clothing and TIM drops a bomb on TOM talking about a "short suit". Then they talk about people blasting their iPods and singing along in public. A CLASSIC SEGMENT!!!
4th Segment - The debut of a brand new segment "LUNCH BREAK" with the very first guest of the TIM&TOM show Pat Lunch. Pat Lunch talks about "street meat" and shares the latest gossip and news from the street vendors. Pat proves why he is known as 'The Lunch King' in this informative and funny segment.
the TIM and TOM show returns with it's third episode!! In the first segment TIM and TOM talk about another comedic duo going by the name 'Tim and Tom', the band immature, classic TV shows like Sister Sister and Step by Step. TOM speaks on a new dance from the hit show So You Think You Can Dance and then they discuss the best boroughs in New York City, Coney Island, NYC bridges, and BBQing.
In the second part TIM and TOM speak on the best drinking party games, flip cup vs. beer pong, Halloween, weddings, having children, current MTV shows like '16 and Pregnant' and 'Is She Really Dating him?' and Myspace.
TIM and TOM are back with the second installment of their show!!
In the first part of this episode TIM and TOM discuss New York City, tourists, the Naked Cowboy, Port Authority, rude/crazy people, and seizures.
In the second part they talk about celebrity encounters, the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, free daily newspapers, Cranford Musicfest, umbrellas, Making Da Band, and much more.
Part 3 has TIM and TOM speaking about one of their favorite families the Simmons and their show Run's House. They talk more about reality TV, Charles Barkley, and being rich.
Hello and welcome to the official page of the Tim and Tom Show!
The blog and podcasting have officially launched and the show is underway!!! Tim and Tom are 2 friends in their mid-twenties working in New York City. In their blog they discuss a number of topics in their own unique way making for an insightful, entertaining, and comical show. The duo speak on everything from the best party spots, relationship advice, technology, to what’s good on TV.
Check out the blog and enjoy their weekly (hopefully) Podcast!!